Campaign day...

Korg tau arini ari ape???
korg jwb Jumaat bkn pasal Jumaat aku nk ckp..
aku nk ckp pasal kempen 'say no to plastic bag'...
ala korg mst penah dgrkan pasal korg de support tak kempen ni?
ni aku nk kuakan fakta sket bkn auta...
  • Plastic bags are made of polyethylene
  • Polyethylene is a petroleum product
  • Production contributes to air pollution and energy consumption
  • Four to five trillion plastic bags are manufactured each year
  • Americans use over 380 billion polyethylene bags per year
  • Americans throw away approximately 100 billion polyethylene bags per year
  • Of those 100 trillion plastic bags, 1% are recycled
  • It takes 1000 years for polyethylene bags to break down
  • As polyethylene breaks down, toxic substances leach into the soil and enter the food chain
  • Approximately 1 billion seabirds and mammals die per year by ingesting plastic bags
  • Plastic bags are often mistaken as food by marine mammals. 100,000 marine mammals die yearly by eating plastic bags.
  • These animals suffer a painful death, the plastic wraps around their intestines or they choke to death
  • Plastic bag choke landfills
  • Plastic bags are carried by the wind into forests, ponds, rivers, and lakes
haa bace dah??nak translate ke??xpyh la kan...
terkejut tak???ala terkejut la weh...
Pe kate korg sume mule krgkan penggunaan plastic bag (kwn aku sebut plestik) ni..
ala kt lua tu mcm2 jenis GREEN BAG kt kate korg jdkan tu sbgai collection korg...
FYI la kan aku stkt ni da de 4 green bag...
aku mmg pakai bile aku g membeli blah kt memane...
so korg pe lg jom la support kempen ni...


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